
Wednesday 4 December 2019

The nice blue water below the rocky mountain, with a 
blast of light hitting the surface. The nice blue
sky with no fluffy clouds and an amazing tip of the 
grassy edge. Beautiful green trees 
above the nice boats floating across the sea. France 
was sitting down with his wife and 2 kids, 
having a beautiful picnic on the large boat, 
with a really nice view.

France is a teacher for a school and is having a holiday 
with his wife and 2 kids. His kids are twins and 
they had to have surgery for there brain because they had
brain damage when they fell out of a 
3 story house window. France’s family was going 
to this location because there baby brother have died
 here and fell off the cliff edge when they
were on vacation. They are just spending time where
 he had got buried by the top of the mountain under the trees. 

They had a sad moment from there 
baby boy and that other people have had the same 
problem. They were also sad that there twin 
daughters were not gonna make it from the surgery. France also
 had a problem from his school about people that did not have 
food and he wanted to help the family. So he 
wanted to travel on a boat from New Zealand
 to canada which is a long distance so they made it to that 
location with their other family members in there boats.

They went back turn New Zealand and then went to 
their home and started to just have a bbq with their
whole family for the day. When they arrived home
they had a rest for a day then called the family to come over 
for lunch.for lunch we had a bbq which was bacon 
sausages steaks chicken. When they were 

Having a bbq there was a really nice surprise...

Wednesday 13 November 2019


The type of cars I would like to buy?

Dubai, Why would I go there?

In the holidays, I want to go to Dubai because I love cars and that
Dubai has heaps of super and hyper cars that are cheaper than our
super and hyper cars.

I also want to live there because the country is a really nice country. 
I would also want to go to the beach famous peoples house.
It is really fun when it is New Year's Eve because everyone is just the
happiest people ever.

So first when I go there I would like to buy a supercar like a GTR R35
and then I would get a nice rolls royce, then I would go to the 5 star hotel
with indoor pool.

What I wished to get for my whole life?
Eat amazing Dubai food at 5 star restaurants wich is chicken and more…. 
I wished to get the fastest car in the whole world and the nicest most
luxurious car worth a lot.

What famous people do I want to see?
A youtuber named Mo Vlogs and the richest kid in the whole country
and also the biggest house at Dubai with a private beach and movie room.

I want to be in one of Mo Vlogs videos and drive some of his fast
cars like the lamborghini and ferrari the batmobile.
Image result for dubai biggest house with private beach
Image result for dubai mo vlogs

Image result for dubai biggest house with private beach

Wednesday 30 October 2019

The family trip #FAKE STORY ¬_¬

Once upon a time there was a little boy that was going to Canada for a trip with his sister and grandad.

30 minutes later… 

They arrived at the airport to get the tickets and they got to the Private Jet… 

They arrived and they were the only people on the Private Jet apart from the pilots, OF COURSE!

13 hours, 15 minutes and 47 seconds later...

They went down the stairs of the Private Jet and they saw the most beautiful native area in their whole life.
When they arrived at their hotel they were so amazed of there view and that they want to stay there for longer, so they discussed what to do in there town.
They wanted to go to the mall and get some food for them.
Later on that week they were sitting at home just on there phone watching Mr. Beast on youtube and liked the videos, and subscribed. 

Thursday 17 October 2019

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Monday 23 September 2019

Song writing for Music - Hurumanu

In Music Hurumanu we have been trying to write a song about anything in your life.
Parody - Breakbot - baby i’m yours - Cover

Verse 1)
Fortnite is so special
Getting a scar is really good too
And some mi-inis
You should play the game
It is really competitive

Chorus 1) 
Fortnite is so special 
If you play the game 
Them your life will be lame
Vault the mechs and i might play 
And get a victory

Verse 2)
Yo i started as a grey pistol
And then i turned into 
A gold suppressed scar

Chorus 2)
Fortnite is so special 
If you play the game 
Them your life will be lame
Vault the junk rifts or i will not play the game
And not get victory’s

Verse 3)
Welcome to pandora
You will gain shield
And get in big fights
You should be able to win

Chorus 3)
Fortnite is the best game
I can get wins 
And clap everyone 
Fortnite is so special
Yo fortnite is special


Monday 16 September 2019

Hurumanu Music - The Quiz

In Hurumanu Music we went to the auditorium and done a quiz about instruments. We were allowed to play the amazing Instruments. My favourite instrument was the saxophone because it was my dream instrument to play and that it has cool sounds to it and also I like the piano because I can play a little bit on it.
My latest bit of it was that we had to go back to the class and carry on with our Stomp Music and make some cool beats with anything around you.

I had lots of fun with our class at the quiz because we got to play our instruments that we got to play and turn all about them.

If I didn't go then I would not have had as much fun as I had with our classmates so thanks to our loving teachers for doing this amazing event.

By Kadyn

Friday 13 September 2019

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Ella West Visit

The whole J block in Hornby high school went to hui because Ella West came and talked to us about the books that she has wroten and what it was about.
Night Vision has won awards.
Night Visions cover has been stolen before.
The very first book as never published but the first book that was published is called "Thieves".
Ella West is an author but she is also a journalist.
She is now currently writing a book called "Sound of my heart" and it has 50,000 words in it.
All of her books are published in Australia and she wrote them in New Zealand so now she won't be on the top 10 best author of New Zealand her book called Night Vision has been translated in to Italian and Night Vision has 4 to 5 thousand words in it.
Favourite part that she said was when Ella West said that she loves watching action movie like Star Wars and my favourite movie of all time and is Fast and Furious.
Ella Wests mum thinks that she is the mum of all of here books. In her house in Dunedin she has a sheep farm and she also has 3 lambs. She doesn't need quiet spaces to write her books. She has genetic disorder.
She now writes 1000 words per day. Her books are 5000 words long.
In the book Night Vision dog Jim was there dog in real life and now he died 15 years ago now she has a new dog named Ruby.

From Kadyn

Tane Mahuta - C.I.P

In C.I.P today we had to take out all of the weeds from the garden because it can kill the plants.
In the classroom part we had to clear the leaves from the ground and the dirt so there is only concrete and then we are going to add gumboots for the plants and we are going to paint it to make it colourful.
We are also bringing tables in and painting them as well as well as chairs.
we had to weed the other side of the garden and then we will plant flowers there so it can look beautiful.
Then my class went to Kiwi Kaha and we had to do Catchphrase and then we went into the activity which was GKQ's and it was really fun but my team came last but it was still extremely fun.
Then we came back from Kiwi Kaha and then we came to my classroom and blogged.

Today what I enjoyed was the planting and the amazing Kiwi Kaha that we done in AL.
My worst thing that happened today was doing the weeding on the gardens and the classroom.

By Kadyn

Wednesday 4 September 2019


In C.I.P we have been doing work in the outside class room and we are about finished so today we have been clearing out the junk and putting it in the skip. In the last 2 weeks we have been clearing out the shed (outside class room) and today it was raining so we had to paint rocks and I made a design that looks like a little tree growing and on the reflection of the river that I painted was a full grown tree here is a picture of my design on the rock....

Monday 26 August 2019

Famillies of instruments

We had to write about a famous singer and I done.......
Buddy Holly
Name: Charles Holley
Decade: 1950s
Date of birth: 7 September 1936 
Date of death: 3 February 1959
jonre: Rock ‘n’ roll
Famous songs: ‘Maybe Baby’, ‘Rave On’

Challenge: Not being good at playing the violin as a child

Monday 12 August 2019

Hurumanu science - Climate change and the future

Aim; To look at the different ways we can prevent climate change in the future.

    Changing Our Future    < Link

Name 3 fossil fuels? 

Coal, Oil, Natural Gas.

What is the cost?

The CO2 level has soared since when?

The industrial revolution

What are the effects in the UK?
160 Air balloons per second are filled with CO2 … The amount per year is 5045760000


How many climate refugees will there be in Britain by 2050?
200 million

When will Fairborn be flooded?

1.5 Million homes at risk by flooding by 2080, 100,000 homes at risk from coastal erosion. 1000 Toxic sites at risk.

What are some of the other things that will be 'swallowed by the waves'?
  1. Houses    
  2. Land 
  3. Other buildings 
How can we stop climate change?
  1. Having things like Cars, motorbikes, (ETC) on hydro or solar     
  2. Closing big nuclear powered comapanys.    
What ideas are school children having about climate change?
  1. Not having children.
  2. Protesting.
  3. They were shouting turn your engine off
What is the atmosphere called?

A Waste Dump. 
What is the last statement the reporter made?

We know that we need to do, we have got the technology What we lack is the political will


What places will be affected?
various places in the world.

What else do we need to think about?
Not building houses near the sea

What other places around NZ will be affected?
The Pacific Islands

What does this do to our drinking water?

What are the main concerns?
Coastal Erosion
Coastal foolding 

What can we do?

  1. Have an Electric vehicle  
  2. Have hydro    
  3. Have solar.    

What is the one silver bullet solution?


What is the mix of things we need to start doing?
  1.   Use public transport.  
  2.   Have hydro 
  3.  Have solar.
What are 3 others you can think of?

My Investigation
Where does our food come from?

  • Choose your favourite food.

  1. Upload a picture of it.
  2. Draw a picture of it on A4.    

On your blog answer the following questions.

  • Where does the food come from (e.g. is it from another province or country, was it purchased or made locally)? 

  • How many kilometres away did the food travel to get to you?

  • What are the main ingredients? 

  • How is the food packaged? 

  • What resources do you need to produce this food item (e.g. land, water, oil, food, etc.)? 

  • Would this item have been processed? 

  • Is there anything unique or significant about the food item (e.g. fair-trade, local)? 

  • What else do you notice about this food that affects its climate friendliness? 

  • Do you think this food is climate-friendly (Circle)?       YES NO 

  • Why?

  • If no, what would be a better alternative?  

Thursday 8 August 2019

Weather and Climate Change 

Measuring weather.


Wind Speed
SpinsIndicatorsTerms Used in NWS Forecasts
00-20Calm; smoke rises vertically.Calm
12-510Shown by direction of wind smoke drift, but not by wind vanes.Light
26-1240Wind felt on face, leaves rustle; ordinary vanes moved by wind.Light
313-2080 Leaves and small twigs in constant motion; wind extends light flag.Gentle
421-29130Raises dust and loose paper; small branches are moved.Moderate
530-39190Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets form on inland waters.Fresh
640-50250Large branches in motion; whistling heard in telephone wires; umbrellas used with difficulty.Strong
751-61320Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt walking against the wind.Strong
862-74390Breaks twigs off trees; generally impedes progress.Gale
975-87470Slight structural damage.Gale
1088-101550Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage occurs.Whole gale
11102-116640Very rarely experienced inland; accompanied by widespread damage.Whole gale
12117 or more730+Very rarely experienced; accompanied by widespread damage.Hurricane

Wind speed - Making an anemometer.



  1. 1. straws 
  2. 2. pin  
  3. 3. Styrofoam Cup  
  4. 4. pencil  
  5. 5. cardboard straws  


  1. Tape the straws together.
  2. poke the pin threw the straws and into the rubber from the pencil. 
  3. put the ends of the straws threw the Styrofoam cups and tape the ends together with the cup.
  4.  time and count the for as many times the cups spins.
  5.  go twice inside
  6. go twice outside
Once you have made an anemometer we are going to record the wind speed.

Group size: 5

Anemometer (above) 

  • Timekeeper
  • Counter
  • Recorder
  • Anemometer Manager
  • Wind generator
  1. Mount the anemometer in a place that has full access to the wind from all directions.
  2. When the time keeper says "Go", the counter in each group will count how many times the marked cup passes them in one minute and write it down.
  3. If possible, repeat the above step four (4) times and record the average number of spins on the chart.


  • Record how many times it spins using the table below.
You will need to create the wind yourself by blowing. Get 4 different wind speeds by blowing.

You will need to time them and count the number of spins.

Time IntervalNumber of Spins
1.10 secs6
2.10 secs5
3.10 secs8
4.10 secs 10
  • Can you make a statement connecting the number of spins of your anemometer and the speed of the wind? When using this anemometer, 10 turns per minute means the wind speed is about one mile per hour. ... For example, "when our anemometer read 20 spins a minute, the commercial anemometer read 2 miles per hour." Blow on the anemometer or turn an electric fan on low to make sure that it spins easily.